Usability assessment for citizen service software

Arlennys Susana Velázquez Hidalgo, Yamilis Fernández Pérez, Yoandrys Silverio Pacheco Jérez, Yeleny Zulueta Véliz


Software product quality is defined as the degree to which a product satisfies implicit and explicit needs when used under specific conditions; one of its essential elements is usability. Usability is defined as "the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which a product enables specific objectives to be achieved by specific users in a specific context of use". To evaluate the usability of a software application it is necessary to use a set of tools to measure the elements in a qualitatively and quantitatively appropriate way. The objective of the research is to support the evaluation and selection of usability in citizen service software products, considering the multiple relationships and hierarchical structures of a quality model, using the Maximum Linear multi-criteria decision method. A case study is presented to evaluate the usability of three software products for citizen services.

Palabras clave

usability; quality assessment; software product; decision making

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