Context of the quality for Cloud Computing. Diagnosis and analysis for its acquirement in Cuban entities.

Vladimir Campos Kindelan, Yaimí Trujillo Casañola, Ailyn Febles Estrada, Michel Pedrera Suen


The development of the Cloud Computing (CC) empowers the capacity of the infrastructure of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) through computing services (as software, platforms or infrastructures) from a traditional mean (personal computer, cell phone, among others) to the Internet. The main objectives of the current investigation are making a diagnosis in order to evaluate the limitations that exist in 16 Cuban entities, then acquiring a model of Software as a Service (SaaS) and proposing the design of a Software Quality Scheme (QS) for the evaluation of the quality of the SaaS service, based on the ISO/IEC 25010 standard (SQueare). For the framework it was made a bibliographical exploration about definitions, the evolution, and the CC models problem and the quality of its services, in the national and international environment. A survey was made in order to evaluate the knowledge about standards and models of CC quality, as well as the services that defines it and a SWOT analysis, in order to identify the main limitations for the acquisition of CC quality standards and models. As a result, the limitations for the acquisition of SaaS were identified, and the theorical references that address the knowledge of this technology were delimitated. A diagnosis was obtained, marked by a survival strategy that will help decision making for acquiring CC quality standards and models, and justify the QS design based on ISO/IEC 25010 standard.

Palabras clave

Cloud Computing; Software as a service; platform; infrastructure; quality scheme; quality models; SWOT analysis; ISO/IEC 25010.

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